EASY & DELICIOUS Bitter Melon Recipe | Bitter Melon Health Benefits


Bitter melon (bitter gourd) is packed with nutrients our bodies need to fight off diseases. It's a staple vegetable in many Asian countries and in Okinawa, Japan where the people are known for their health and longevity.

It’s closely related to the gourd family (such as cucumber, zucchini, squash) and has many health benefits. The vitamin C and antioxidant content is quite high; It’s said consuming this vegetable regularly is an effective prevention against cancers and viral infections. It’s also rich in fiber, folate and vitamin A which helps with maintaining vision and skin health.

Bitter Melon can be hard to cook with and its bitter taste is hard to handle for some. Here I have a recipe that is similar to the one in Okinawa called Goya Champuru. It’s delicious, easy to make and require a few simple ingredients besides bitter melon. The recipe is customizable; Ingredients can be added, substituted or omitted.

Watch this video on how to remove the bitterness from bitter melon and how to make this dish step by step!

🍽Stir-Fried Bitter Melon 🍽(2 servings)

- bitter melon/bitter gourd 1 medium

- firm tofu 1 cup cubed

- egg 1-2

- garlic (optional) 1-2 cloves

- green onion 1 stalk

- sesame oil 1-2 tablespoons

- soy sauce 1 tablespoon

- salt

- ground pepper

*Note: The recipe in Okinawa typically uses thinly sliced pork. Other ingredients can be added: meats (pork, beef, chicken, ham, shrimp) and vegetables.

1, Slice bitter melon into discs (follow the instructions in my video on how to remove the bitterness).

2, Remove moisture from tofu and cut into 1-2 inch cubes. Chop green onion and garlic.

3, Heat a skillet (medium-high heat) and sesame oil.

4, Cook bitter melon slices for 2-3 minutes, stirring often.

5, Add tofu and garlic. Cook for 2 minutes.

6, Add green onions. Season with soy sauce, salt and ground pepper.