Running Tips While on Vacation


Summer is here and it's time to get away for a while.  

This could cause a dilemma for runners.  We hate to be disrupted from our running schedule.  That said, it's a perfect time to break away from routine, relax and enjoy new experiences and warm weather.

 Over the years of living a nomadic life, I've learned a few things on how to balance running and vacation.

1,  Accept the fact that you are going away and your running isn't going to be the same.  Be open-minded about when and how often you can run.

2,  If you are flying and will be in a different time zone you are going to feel more tired.  Try not to overdo things for the first couple of days after arriving destination.  You don't want to be too tired to do the things planned.  Get up often from your seat and walk up and down the cabin to keep from getting stiff.

3,  Hydrate during and after your flights.  Flying really dehydrate you.  Eat small meals / snacks to stay energized.  Packing healthy snacks is a must for me.  Catch naps if you can.

4,  If you are driving for a long period of time, stop at rest stops and take a break.  Get out of the car, walk around and stretch.

5,  After arriving at your destination, ease into running by walking / light jogging.  This is a perfect way to explore a new place.  If you are traveling with child(children) / partner/ friend(s) / spouse, it's a nice way to spend time together.

6,  Stretch out all your kinks and stiffness.  Doing short yoga is perfect for opening up hips and upper body stiffness.

7,  If you have an opportunity to try other physical activities, do.  It's refreshing to try new things.  I discovered  bouldering during my recent travel.  It was a lot harder than I expected and pointed out a lot of weaknesses in my upper body.

8,  Don't forget to pack your running shoes / clothes!    

9, Have Fun!